Premium Helicore Violin SET with KS311 E, & Titanium A

Code: H310P

Helicore Violin Strings have become the leading choice for many professional players but with this Combination this string set will be more durable and sound even better! This Premium Set includes the New Titanium A string which gives you more durability and the Kaplan Non-Whistling E. The Kaplan E is a wound E string that gives you warmth and power and you guessed it, No Whistle!!. H310P Set Contains: Kaplan Non Whistling E string: Aluminum over a Special Steel Core - Helicore A string: Titanium over Stranded Steel Core -Helicore D string: Titanium over Stranded Steel Core - Helicore G string: Tungsten/Silver over Stranded Steel Core. Available in Medium, 4/4 Size Only

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